sustainable ETF portfolio objectives
our ETF portfolios are graded across the risk spectrum, and provide a fully diversified, cost-effective and completely transparent solution for your core portfolio. All of our sustainable ETF portfolios offer daily liquidity, meaning that investors can buy or sell any day, with no lock-in or penalty
we use a selection of technical trading signals for our ETF selection. Over the last 15 years, we have consistently generated outstanding performance. We have significantly outperformed the benchmark in all but one of our sustainable ETF portfolios:
bonds | equities | commodities | property | |
conservative | 60% | 30% | 5% | 5% |
balanced | 40% | 40% | 8% | 10% |
growth | 0% | 90% | 0% | 0% |
WHAT are the advantages of our sustainable portfolios
low cost
offering much better value than traditional funds, ETFs typically cost investors 0.1% – 0.2% per annum. Using these ETFs, we construct ready-made sustainable portfolios for investors of all types
ETFs are highly liquid, meaning there are high trading volumes and they can be bought and sold even in times of market turbulence. All our portfolios offer 24-hour encashment to investors
ETFs can reduce the overall volatility of your portfolio through diversification. Our sustainable ETF portfolios are all globally diversified amongst the major asset classes (equities, bonds, commodities etc.).
ETFs are completely transparent. Data for their holdings, their performance and their costs are updated daily. This means you can always see exactly what you own in your ETF portfolio
HOW to invest in our sustainable portfolios
within a UBS-issued Certificate (AMC)
Our UBS-issued Certificates have a Swiss ISIN and are available in USD, GBP and EUR classes. All have 24-hour liquidity and daily pricing. Minimum investment USD 10,000 or equivalent. Our AMCs are available via your bank/broker such as Swissquote or UBS. Contact [email protected] for further details.
within a managed account
the client (be it a person, corporation or trust) has full control and ownership of their account at all times. Managed accounts offer the ability to withdraw up to 70% of the account value as a cash loan, at highly competitive interest rates. Managed accounts are available with InteractiveBrokers or Swissquote. Contact [email protected] for further details.
on the Novia Global investment platform
our ETF portfolios are available as models for advisors to use on the leading Novia Global investment platform. Novia combines the latest in platform technology, online functionality, investment choice and management information. The platform gives advisers complete control over their clients’ investments, with full visibility in real-time.
how do we choose the ETFs in our sustainable portfolios?
our investment process ensures we only use the most transparent, liquid and cost-effective ETFs. We only use replication ETFs. We do not use any synthetic, leveraged or inverse ETFs. we exclude all non-compliant investments (oil, heavy polluters, weapons, etc.) and actively include sustainable ETFs (solar, water, gender equality, etc.).

at blufolio, most of the ETFs we deploy in our portfolios have market capitalisations in the USD billions, making them some of the most liquid investments available anywhere. We only use ETFs that have a market capitalisation of at least USD 100 million, and daily US dollar liquidity of at least 10 million

we actively monitor the costs of all the ETFs in our investment universe (numbering over 1000 ETFs currently). All else being equal, we will always choose the lowest-cost ETF, considering the TER (Total Expense Ratio) and bid-offer spread
our investment approach
blufolio’s investment process combines asset selection, based primarily on technical criteria, with quantitative risk management within clearly-defined volatility constraints
we invest according to a range (typically 12-15) of technical trading signals. No investment decision will be executed unless the technicals suggest the timing is correct. We have a core / satellite structure, where each component is actively managed
examples of basic risk controls are shown below:
- heatmap
- graph
our range of sustainable ETF portfolios
explore our six approaches to sustainable investing and evaluate our specific portfolios
ask us about it! [email protected]
our sustainable growth ETF portfolio is a globally-diversified portfolio made up exclusively of equity ETFs
why choose our growth equity ETF portfolio?
– for investors seeking 100% equity exposure and with a high risk tolerance
– targets long-term capital gains whilst preserving the planet
our sustainable balanced ETF portfolio is a globally-diversified portfolio made up of broadly equal weightings in bond and equity ETFs. We may also invest in some precious metal and property ETFs
why choose our sustainable balanced ETF portfolio?
– for investors seeking a medium-risk, diversified portfolio, and open to moderate exposure to equities (maximum 60%)
– protects from the worst impact of equity market sell-offs
our sustainable conservative ETF portfolio is a globally-diversified portfolio made up mostly of bond ETFs, and a maximum of 40% in equities. We may also invest in some precious metal and property ETFs
why choose our sustainable conservative ETF portfolio?
– for investors seeking a low-risk, diversified portfolio and prioritising capital preservation, but open to a modest exposure to equities
– a basis for collateralised loans against your portfolio (up to 70% possible)
disclaimer/ warning
This document is a summary only and is subject in its entirety to the sustainable ETF portfolio formation documents and offering memorandum. The document is intended for information purposes only, and you should not take, or refrain from taking any action as a consequence of it, without consulting a suitably qualified person. The content of this document. does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to purchase, nor an advice or a recommendation to acquire or dispose of any investment or to engage in any other transaction. Investors are advised to obtain appropriate professional advice where necessary. An investment in the sustainable ETF portfolio is suitable only for qualified investors who fully understand the high risks of investing in sustainable ETF portfolios, and only in jurisdictions in which such an offer is lawful. Investment involves risks. Past performance is not indicative of future results of an investment. The value of an investment may fall as well as rise and may become valueless. The information in this document has been obtained or derived from sources believed by blufolio AG to be reliable, but blufolio AG makes no guarantee, representation or warranty and accepts no responsibility or liability as to its accuracy or completeness. The content of this document is protected by legal copyright and this document may not be reproduced or further distributed in whole or in part for any purpose without the prior written consent of blufolio AG. blufolio SA is a member of SO-FIT. SO-FIT is a self-regulatory organisation (SRO) recognised by FINMA. This is a private placement, only available to qualified investors in certain jurisdictions. Contact [email protected] for further details.